Oilfield and Safety

PARADIS, LA. (2/9/2017) One worker was missing and two were injured after an explosion sparked a fire at a Louisiana pipeline Thursday night, officials said. Authorities don’t yet know what caused the fire on the Phillips 66 pipeline in Paradis, but a crew of six workers was cleaning it at […]

Pipeline fire in Paradis, LA.

Reminders… Pre-Inspect your vehicle and surroundings before driving off Always wear seat belts Do not exceed speed limits and follow suggested speeds (yellow speed signs) Drive defensively Do not drive when sleepy or tired Pre-plan your journey for the best routes, refuel points, rest spots, etc. Do not allow distractions […]

Vehicle Safety

1. Use caution if you are lighting Fireworks. Make sure it is legal to pop fireworks in your area. Know your surroundings / adjoining areas for possible fires and be courteous to your neighbors. Always have an extinguishing method nearby, incase there is a fire. Fireworks accidents usually happen when […]

Have a Safe and Fun New Year!